Understanding about Bone-conduction speakers

Understanding about Bone-conduction speakers

February 23, 2023 | Tags: science

With the philosophy of "Designed for Life" - FRENZ™ is designed for daily use and lifestyle.

But have you ever worn in-ear headphones like AirPods or over-ear headphones all day at work? It’s a terrible experience. Your ears begin to ache. They get sweaty and hot. And even worse? The experience when you sleep. Beyond the discomfort, sounds get distorted or completely muffled when you side-sleep. 

FRENZ™ is designed to be worn comfortably daily and nightly. FRENZ™ does this by integrating behind-the-ear bone-conduction speakers inside innovative sound chambers to withstand head pressure and avoid sound distortion.

As the only consumer device capable of capturing and analyzing brain signals (EEG), multiple bio-vitals (EKG, SpO2, head motion, breathing rhythm), and eye and facial micromovements in real-time with unrivaled precision, FRENZ™ comfortably delivers clinically-proven personalized cognitive behavioral therapies to induce faster sleep onset, deeper sleep, quicker returns to sleep, and refreshing mornings.

What is bone conduction, and how does it work? 

Bone conduction is the conduction of sound to the inner ear predominantly through the bones of the skull, allowing the hearer to detect sound without obstructing the ear canal. Bone conduction transmission constantly happens as sound waves vibrate bone, notably the bones in the skull; yet, it is difficult for the typical person to discriminate between bone conduction transmission and air conduction transmission. As with bone-conduction headphones, the intentional information of sound through bone can be employed with individuals with normal hearing or as a treatment for specific types of hearing impairment. Bone transmits lower-frequency sounds more effectively than higher-frequency noises.

You receive bone conduction constantly. Consider how your voice sounds when you talk instead of how it sounds when it is recorded. Have you ever noticed how different your recorded voice says to you? Perhaps it has a "thin" or "tinny" tone. Typically, it sounds different from how you hear your voice. Yet, if you asked others, they would affirm, "That sounds like you."

This sound transmission technique is fascinating since it allows us to hear our voices. Famous musician Ludwig van Beethoven, who later became deaf, is credited with discovering this method of hearing. He converted sound waves into physical vibrations by chewing and pressing his composer's wand on his piano. This allowed him to "hear" and compose his remarkable compositions. In contrast to conventional headphones, bone conduction headphones are worn outside the ear. This allows ambient sound to enter the ear canal while sending music from a handheld device. This makes bone conduction an excellent option for bikers, runners, and walkers who want to listen to music while remaining aware of their surroundings.

According to users, bone-conduction headphones are incredibly comfortable and deliver adequate sound. Due to their open-ear design, these headphones may be helpful for individuals with hearing loss who also use hearing aids. As they let ambient sounds enter the ear canal, they may be beneficial for tinnitus sufferers as a masking option.

Comfortable fit 

Bone conduction headphones feature a highly comfortable fit, one of its best qualities. This is partly because they do not enter the ear canal. Thus, they will not fall out or become uncomfortable after prolonged use.

Bone conduction headphones resemble a pair of spectacles or a headband, so they are simple to adjust and fit snugly against the skull. As a result, wearers do not need to worry about them falling out of their ears or getting too tight over time.

Comfort for daily and nightly use 

Bone conduction headphones are more comfortable than on-ear and over-ear headphones while sleeping and during daytime activities, since nothing rests directly over the ears. While sleeping, you can roll onto your side with less difficulty and without pressing a bulky housing on your pillow. During the day, bone conduction is comfortable for various activities, such as workouts, because they do not cause friction or pressure within the ear.

Although there aren't many bone conduction speakers that impair head-turning, bone conduction speakers are not traditionally designed for sleep, so some users may experience discomfort from the earpiece on the top of their jaw or the back band if they sleep on their back.

Unlike other bone-conduction speakers, FRENZ™ is uniquely designed for comfortable daily and nightly use. FRENZ™ integrates behind-the-ear bone-conduction speakers inside innovative sound chambers to withstand head pressure and avoid sound distortion. The device's over-ear dry-sensing electrodes (FrenzTouch) are strategically placed at optimal locations to track and reference strong signal sources amidst noise. FrenzTouch – made of a proprietary perfect-ratio mixture of nanomaterials, including carbon nanotubes, silver nanowires, and conductive silicon, under a special curing process – has flawless conduction while maintaining comfort in any sleeping position.

With this in mind, the FRENZ™ bone conduction system is more than just speakers; they are bone conduction speakers capable of reading your mind.

Clean and sanitary

Recent research on earphones revealed that earbuds could harbor 119,186 colony-forming bacteria units, which can grow if you sweat! Bacteria adore a warm and moist atmosphere, so you may want to examine how unclean your headphones are. Be prepared to be amazed! Open-ear headphones offer a cleaner alternative to traditional headphones.

One of the primary advantages of bone-conduction headphones is that there is no need to insert anything into your ears; therefore, there is no chance of ear infections or earwax buildup. This might be a huge benefit for individuals prone to ear infections or struggling to clean their ears adequately. 

Keeping your ears clean and healthy is crucial, yet regular headphones can be a breeding ground for bacteria and wax for some. In this context, headphones with bone conduction are an excellent choice.

Another advantage of bone-conduction headphones is that they do not cause your ears to sweat or overheat like standard headphones. This is a significant benefit for those who enjoy going out while listening to music. 

Traditional headphones can be a substantial source of overheating and perspiration, as materials such as leather and plastic trap heat against the skin.

Enhanced situational awareness

With open-ear headphones, no speakers go across or into the ear canal, hence not diminishing the listener's senses. Instead, the transducers rest firmly on your cheekbones in front of your ears, allowing you to remain entirely aware of your surroundings and ambient sounds for a safe listening experience.

While jogging, you might hear the sound of another jogger approaching from behind. If you are cycling about town, you know the dog that escaped its leash. You can listen to music while being aware of potential dangers while working in construction. Cubicles allow employees to remain connected to the office environment and approachable to coworkers.

Useful for those with hearing impairment 

Bone conduction headphones are also an excellent option for those with hearing loss, as they bypass the external ear to transmit sound. If you wear hearing aids, bone-conduction headphones can be a terrific way to enhance your listening experience with additional amplification.

The design permits the simultaneous use of hearing aids and bone-conduction headphones, which can significantly benefit individuals with this hearing loss. It has always been difficult for persons with hearing aids to use standard headphones, as the two devices rarely work well together.

How does the FRENZ™ Brainband use bone conduction?

FRENZ™ Brainband is the world’s first comfortable hospital-grade brain-tracking wearable with integrated bone-conduction speakers. FRENZ™ is the only consumer device that captures brain signals (EEG), multiple bio-vitals (EKG, SpO2, head motion, breathing rhythm), facial-micromovements (EMG), and eye motions (EOG) in real-time with unrivaled precision. By analyzing these signals, FRENZ™ activates clinically-proven personalized cognitive behavioral therapies via bone-conduction speakers to induce faster sleep onset, deeper sleep, quicker returns to sleep, and refreshing mornings.

About Earable® Neuroscience

Earable® Neuroscience U.S. is a deep tech company delivering scalable, human-centric solutions that improve the everyday experience — from deep sleep to all-day focus.

Earable® invented FRENZ™ — the world's first consumer brainband that can measure and stimulate brain activity with clinical precision, so you can sleep more deeply, find sharper focus, and unlock your brain's true potential. It is the recipient of multiple scientific awards and holds 15 patents globally.

Do you have questions, comments, or suggestions for future articles about Earable® Neuroscience or FRENZ™? Contact us at media@earable.ai